Sergei V. Chebanov

Address: 31 Moika, Apt.12, St.Petersburg 191186, Russia
Phone: 7 (812) 312-9008 E-mail:
Fax: 7 (812) 218-41-24



Fields of Interest

Main interest in specialized activities hermeneutics (cognitological hermeneutics, non-fiction hermeneutics), theoretical biology, classification theory.

Membership in Professional Organizations

Professional Activity

Participation in Professional Meetings

Author of the following special courses for post-graduate students and researchers



1. Theory of classifications and methods of classifying In: Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya. Ser.2. Information processes and systems. 1977, No.10. P.1-10 (Eng. abstract p.31).
2. Internal and external systems in the theory of classification In: Sistemnye issledovaniya. Metodologicheskiye problemy. Yearbook 1979. Moscow, 1980. P.140-146.
3. Systematics and nomenclature of fossil algae In: Sistematika, evoliutsiya, ekologiya vodorosley i ikh znacheniye v praktike geologicheskikh issledovaniy. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. paleoalgology (Kiev, 17-19 Nov. 1981). Kiev, 1981. P.9-11.
4. Economical classifications approached as integral systems In: Ekonomika i sovershenstvovaniye upravleniya na baze sistemnogo podkhoda. Abstr. conf. Volgograd, 1983. P.98-101.
5. Methods of ordering: theorizing unified In: Teoriya i metodologiya biologicheskikh klassifikatsiy. Moscow, 1983. P.18-28.
6. Existence of modi of taxon elements and taxon volume assessment in geological classifications
In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. All-Union conf. 17-19 May 1983. Moscow, 1983. P.133-134.
7. Types of assemblages in geological classifications In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. of the All-Union conference 17-19 May 1983. Moscow, 1983. P.135-136.
8. Ideas on form in natural science and principles of general morphology In: Orgaanilise vormi teoria. Abstr. 10th conf. theor. biology 7-9 May 1984. P.25-40.
9. Basic notions of crystal morphology in the system of crystallographic and morphological knowledge In: Physics of crystallization. Iss.8. Kalinin, 1985. P.113-123. Co-author: G.V.Russo.
10. Form, steresis and enlogy of crystals In: Teoriya i metodologiya mineralogii. Abstr. All-Union conf. Vol.1 Syktyvkar, 1985. P.91-92. Co-author: G.V.Russo.
11. Integral approach in biostratigraphy In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. 9-11 Sept. 1986. Pt.1. Moscow, 1986. P.84-86.
12. Classification of classification bases of geological classifications In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. 9-11 Sept. 1986. Pt.1. Moscow, 1986. P.154-156.
13. Heterogeneous systems interaction in geological systematization In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. 9-11 Sept. 1986. Pt.1. Moscow, 1986. P.201-202.
14. Nomenclature and terminology in descriptive natural sciences In: Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya terminologiya i perevod. Abstr. Cheliabinsk, 1986. P.50.
15. Impurities in very pure substances: Aspects of general morphology In: Fizika kristallizatsii. Iss.10. Kalinin, 1987. P.92-97. Co-author: G.V.Russo.
16. On teacher's personality In: Vestnik vysshey shkoly. 1987, No.9. P.87-89.
17. Text as an object and subject of stylometrics In: Kvantitativnye aspekty sistemnoy organizatsii teksta. Abstr. workshop. 28/10-01/11/1986. Tbilisi: Tbilisi Univ.Press, 1987. P.83-86. Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
18. Urgent problems of Precambrian paleoalgology In: Aktualnye problemy sovremennoy algologii. Abstr. All-Union conf. 23-25 Sept. 1987 Cherkassy. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1987. P.195-196.
19. Language of taxon description Ph.D.thesis (philology: struct., appl. and math. linguistics). Leningrad, 1987 (manuscript). Vol.1, 232p.; vol.2, 510p.
20. Contribution to the typology of descriptive texts In: Prikladnaya lingvistika i avtomaticheskiy analiz teksta. Abstr. conf. 28/01-30/01/1988 Tartu Univ. Tartu, 1988. P.95-96.
21. Form, steresis and enlogy of crystals In: Teoriya mineralogii. Leningrad: Nauka, 1988. P.47-51. Co-author: G.V.Russo.
22. Theoretical biology in biocentrism In: Lectures in theoretical biology. Tallinn: Valgus, 1988. P.159-167. (in English).
23. Classification aspects in stylometrics In: Kvantitativnaya lingvistika i avtomaticheskiy analiz tekstov. Tartu, 1988. P.119-136. Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
24. Subject of rhetorics and syntactic organization of texts in limited sublanguages In: Ritorika i sintaksicheskaiye struktury. Abstr.conf.1-3 Febr.1989. Krasnoyarsk, 1988. P.316-320.
25. Contents and translation of texts in limited sublanguages In: Sovremennye metody obrabotki inoyazychnoy informatsii v svete trebovaniy kompleksnoy programmy nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa stran-chlenov SEV do 2000 goda. Abstr. Cheliabinsk, 1988. P.92-93.
26. Linguistic tasks of the LINDA computer system In: Tretya vses. konf. po sozdaniyu mash. fonda rus. yaz. Abstr. Pt.1. Moscow, 1989. P.146-148. Co-authors: O.N.Grinbaum, G.Ya.Martynenko.
27. Pragmatic organization of objectivist texts In: Semantika i pragmatika yazykovykh yedinits. Abstr. conf. Tiumen, 1989. P.25-26.
28. Refrain concept In: Paleofloristika i stratigrafiya fanerozoya. Moscow, 1989. P.120-122.
29. Transcultural translation in special communication In: Etnopsikhol. aspekty rechevogo obscheniya. Abstr.workshop. Pt.1. Moscow, Samarkand, 1990. P.70-71. Co-author: G.Ya Martynenko.
30. Principal types of concepts of the nature of language In: Tartu ulikooli toimetised. Vihik 911. Tartu, 1990. P.112-136. (Eng.abstr. p.133). Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
31. Hermeneutic ideas in applied linguistics In: Tartu ulikooli toimetised. Vihik 912. Tartu, 1990. P.92-111. (Eng.abstr. p.111). Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
32. Biological ideas of Velemir Khlebnikov In: Khlebnikovskiye chteniya. Conf.27-29 Nov.1990. St.Petersburg, 1991. P.91-100. Co-author: V.A.Dymshits.
33. A method of producing crystals of water soluble compounds. Cert.authorship T 16700000 of 12/10/1991. Co-authors: G.V.Russo, O.M.Boldyreva, A.V.Nardov.
34. Application of artificial gems: general morphology approach In: Teoriya mineralogii. Abstr.2nd All-Union conf. Vol.2. Syktyvkar, 1991. P.140-141. Co-author: G.V.Russo.
35. New concept of growing defectless crystals In: Teoriya mineralogii. Abstr.2nd All-Union conf. Vol.2. Syktyvkar, 1991. P.142-143. Co-author: G.V.Russo.
36. The ordinary miracle of life in a perishable organism. In: Baer and Modern Biology. Abstr.Int.conf. 28/2-2/3/1992 Tartu. Tartu, 1992. P.39-40. (in English).
37. Biological conditions of social life Programmy dlia studentov filosofskogo fakulteta. Obschiy kurs i spets. kursy. St.Petersburg, 1992. P.69-74.
38. Pre-project study of age characteristics of 6-to-17-years-old pupils for optimization of teaching in general secondary schools. Report of activity for the Moscow Inst. Educ. Systems. Co-authors: A.P.Sopikov, M.K.Kovaleva.
39. Producing potassium biphtholate crystals from purposely impured solutions In: Fizika kristallizatsii. Iss.15. Tver, 1992. P.24-30. Co-authors: G.V.Russo, O.M.Boldyreva.
40. Where the Leningrad Subway is leading to? In: Gumanitarny fond. 1993, No.10.
41. Biology and humanitarian culture: the problem of interpretation in biohermeneutics and hermeneutics of biology In: Lectures in theoretical biology, 2nd stage. Tallinn, 1993. P.219-248 (in English)
42. Status of a social being In: Sotsialnoye bytiye. Chelovecheskoye bytiye. Conf. St.Petersburg, 1993. P.10-13.
43. The ordinary miracle of life in a perishable organism In: Folia Baeriana 6. Tartu, 1993. P.116-120 (in English).
44. Man as participant to natural creation. Enlogue and ideas of hermeneutics in biology In: Biology Forum. 1994, 87(1). P.39-48 (in English).
44a. L'uomo partecipe della creazione naturale (L'"enlogo" e la concezione ermeneutica in biologia) In: Riv.Biologia. 1994, 87(1). P.49-55 (Italian version, amended).
45. On existing roots of different sectors of heteronomous economy In: Sotsialnaya filosofiya i filosofiya istorii. Conf. 25-26 Oct.1994. St.Petersburg. St.Petersburg, 1994. Pt.1. P.101-104.
46. Were is the boundary between public and private life? In: Znanie - sila. 1994, No.10. P.31.
47. Why the City of St.Petersburg cannot not be a centre? In: Severnaya Palmira. 1994 No.6. P.55-58.
48. Empire as a mode of state life. In: Chas pik, 1995, No. 45(413) 11 March.
49. Non-philosophical philosophizing In: Paradigmi filosofstvovaniya. Abstr. 2nd Intern. Conf. 10-15/8/1995. St.Petersburg, 1995 P.68-78 (Eng.Abstr.P.68).
50. What is ecologism and how we can struggle against it? In: Ekochronica, 1995, N. 3(21) P.22-23.
50a.."Ecologism" as a cultural and political niche In: Ecochronicle, N. 3(21), 1995, p.1X (English version, amended)
51. Morphological bases of semiotic means typology In: Ponimanie i refleksia. Proc. III and IV Hermeneutic conf., Tver, 1995. P.24-33.
52. Cultural status of the sausage In: Znanie - sila. 1995, N.8. P.23-24.
53. Death as perverted life In: Proc. Conf. "A theme of a death in spiritual experience of mankind". Figuri Tanatosa, 5th Special issue. St.Petersburg, 1995. P. 78-83.
54. Contribution to modelling mineral formation processes: A causal analysis of irreproducibility of results of crystallogenetic experiments In: Vestn.SPbGU. 1995, ser.7 ("Geologiya") Iss.1 (N.7) P. 89-93. Co-author: G.V.Russo
55. Bases of a state structure of Russia In: Zydroji Baltija, 1995, 25 December, P.1-3.
56. Speculative biology of man In: Zydroji Baltija, 1996, 25 January, P.1-2.
57. Round table "Teaching of man biology in secondary and high school" In: Zydroji Baltija, 1996, 25 January, P.2-3.
58. Preliminary remarks In: "Speculative biology of man". The thesis of the reports of school on theoretical biology. Molodjoznoje, 1.2.1993 - 5.2.1993 Vilnius, "VLANI", 1996, P. 4.
59. Speculative biology of man In: There, P. 4-5 (same 56).
60. Round table "Teaching of man biology in secondary and high school" In: there, P.14-15 (same 57).
61. Enlogue as Quasipersonal Interaction: Biohermeneutic Issues. In: European Journal for Semiotic Studies. Vol.7(3-4) 1995, P.439-466. (in English)
62. Paradigmatic disturbance in post-Soviet philosophizing In: "Raduga" (Tallinn), 1996 N.1 P. 98-108.
63. Is St. Petersburg transforming into Odessa? In: Chas pik, 1996, No. 44(549) 6 March. P.10.
64. Irreproducibility of experimental results at modeling of processes of mineral formation In: Thesis of a meeting "Zakoni evolutsii Zemnoi kori", vol. II. St.Petersburg, 1996. P. 290. Co-author G.V. Russo.
65. Creation of a course of Russian language on the basis of multimedia technology Report on the agreement for j/s "Multimediatechnologia".
66. Positivism as adolescend maieutics - In: Skromnoe obayanie pozitivizma (Pozitivizm i ego al'ternativi v sovremennoy filosofii). Materials of a conference 15-16 December 1995. St.Petersburg, 1996 P.8-10
67. Biological conditions of social life Programmy dlia studentov filosofskogo fakulteta. Obschiy kurs i spets. kursy. St.Petersburg, 1995. P.69-74 (new. chang. edit.).P.109-114.
68. Stylometrics Prikladnoe jasikoznanie. Text-book. St.Petersburg, 1996. P. 420 - 435 Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
69. Logical basis of linguistic typology. In: Chebanov S.V. Logicheskie osnovaniya lingvisticheskoy tipologii. Prilozhenie teorii klassifikatsii v lingvistiki. Vilnius, VLANI, 1996 P.4-66.
70. Basis of linguistic typology. The program of a course. In: There, P. 67-69.
71. Instruction on the description of "classifications" In: There, P. 70-79.
72. Fan matrix as a model of presentation of data In: There, P.80 Co-author: S.G.Kordonskii.
73. Functional-spatial structure of St. Petersburg In: Zydroji Baltija, 1996, 25 December, P.1-4.
74. Decadence =?/\?V?C? "Silver century ": a cycle of Russian philosophizing of XX. century In: Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya "Struktura filosfskogo znaniya i ego evolyutsiya v techenii XX veka v Rossii". Tezisi sektsionnih vistupleniy. St.Petersburg, 1996, P. 81-82.
75. Relativity and absolutity of crime In: Filosofiya prestupleniya. Proc. of a conference "Prestupnost': sotsial'no-filosofskie i filosofsko- antropologicheskie problemi" St.Petersburg, 1996, P. 38-39.
76. Hermeneutic ideas in applied linguistics In: Issledovaniya po lingvisticheskoy sinergetike. Moscow, 1997. P. 173-194. Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
77. Forms of wholism in linguistic synergetics In: There. P. 195-214. Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
78. Reading people from costume features In: Tr. konf. po germenevtike. Tver (in press).
79. Ontological principles of education urgent for Russian school In: Mat-ly sem. filos. obraz-ya. St.Petersburg (in press).
80. Contribution to the typology of regularities: Greek vs Jewish understanding of the law In: Iudei i ellini. St.Petersburg (in press).
81. Hermeneutic aspects of the enlogue as quasipersonal interaction In: Prikladnaya i strukturnaya lingvistika. Iss. 4. St.Petersburg (in press).
82. Semantical aspects of texts formulating inventions In: Prikladnaya i strukturnaya lingvistika. Iss. 4. St.Petersburg (in press). Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
83. Cathegorical contexts of the ideas on love In: Proc. Conf. "Ljubov nebesnaia, ljubov zemnaia" (in press).
84. Bio-hermeneutics and hermeneutics of biology In: Teoreetilise bioloogia kevadkool. Tartu (in English, in press).
85. Semiotics of descriptive texts (typological aspect) St.Petersburg (in press). Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
86. Biological basis of social existence In: Chapter in textbook of social philosophy. St.Petersburg (in press).
87. Geographical types of space organization of settlement In: Person and city. Spaces. Forms. Sense. Proc. of International congress of association semiologists of the space. St.Petersburg - Ekaterinburg - Phessaloniki - Geneva (in press).
88. The Role of Hermeneutics in Biology Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy. Springer-Verlag (in English, in press).
89. Combined influence of a wide spectrum of microimpurity on formation of macroscopic autodeformative defects in crystals Kristallografiya (in press) Co-authors: G.V.Russo, O.M.Boldyreva.