Sergei V. Chebanov
Address: 31 Moika, Apt.12, St.Petersburg 191186, Russia
Phone: 7 (812) 312-9008 E-mail:
Fax: 7 (812) 218-41-24
- M.S. 1976. University of St.Petersburg, Dep. of Biology and Pedology
- Ph.D. 1987. University of St.Petersburg, Dep. of Philology
- 1976-1978 Inst. of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lab. of Immunohematology (St.Petersburg)
- 1978-1979 All-Union Res. Inst. of Oil
- 1979-1980 Inst. of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology ();
- 1980-1984 Univ. of St.Petersburg, Lab. of Crystallogenesis of the Inst. of the Earth’s Crust
- 1987-1989 Univ. of St.Petersburg, Lab. of Crystallogenesis of the Inst. of the Earth’s Crust
- 1989-present Sen. res. worker in the S.M. Sechenov Inst. of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry (Russian Academy of Sciences, St.Petersburg).
- 1991-present Teacher of interdisciplinary courses at several alternative sec. schools of St.Petersburg and Moscow, Moscow International Film School, St.Petersburg Jewish University.
Fields of Interest
Main interest in specialized activities hermeneutics (cognitological hermeneutics, non-fiction hermeneutics), theoretical biology, classification theory.
Membership in Professional Organizations
- St.Petersburg Province Council of Young Scientists (1978-84)
- All-Union Council of theoretical biology groups (1978-79)
- Theoretical Biology Section of the Sci. and Tech. Council attached to the USSR Ministry of Higher School (1979-80)
- International Society J.von Uexkull (Tartu, since 1993)
Professional Activity
- One of the founders and leaders of the Workshop on Theoretical Biology (1972) (now St.Petersburg League of Scientists Workshop on Biohermeneutics)
- Organizer of the schools on theoretical biology (1975-96)
- Organizer of schools and workshops on theory and methodology of classification (1979 to mid. 80`s)
- Organizer of the Moscow-St. Petersburg Workshop on general morphology (1992-94)
- Organizer of the Philosophical workshop of A.S.Pushkin humanitarian fund (1992-94)
- Organizer of the program "Jerusalem-3000" of school-club "Beit" (St.Petersburg, 1995-96).
- One of the developers of LINDA multifunctional automatic text
processing system, a new method of producing defectless crystals.
Participation in Professional Meetings
- Interuniversity group "Text as a subject of interdisciplinary studies" and related
- Russian session of the San Marino International Academy of Science "Language - Culture - Ecology" (1992)
- International conference "K. von Baer and modern biology " (Tartu, 1992)
- Russian - German Colloquium on Linguistic Synergetics (1992)
- International conferences "Jewish Civilization and World Culture " (St.Petersburg,
- "Problems of Jewish Education" (St.Petersburg, 1993-97)
- Second International Methodological Congresses (Moscow, 1995)
- International seminar "Paradigms of Philosophizing" (St.Petersburg,
1995) and other international seminars of the Philosophical and
- Cultural research Center "Eidos"
- Seminars of a center "Strategy" of Leontjev center (St.Petersburg, 1994-95)
- Philosophical delegation of the Citizen Ambassador Program (St.Petersburg,
September, 1995)
- International conference "Developmental Systems, Competition, and Cooperation in Sociobiology and Economy" (Hildesheim, 1996)
- Seminar of Polish M. Kopernik Society of Scientists (Wroclaw,
Author of the following special courses for post-graduate students and researchers
- "Classification theory and its application to economical classifications" (St.
- Petersburg Univ. of Economics and Finances, 1984)
- "Philosophy and psychology of the costume" (Advanced Learning Inst. for services professionals, 1983-91, St.Petersburg Univ. of Economics and Finances, Dep. of sociology, 1985, Cultural and Ecological Liceum "Kluch", Moscow, 1993-95)
- "Logic of Linguistic classifications" (Univ. of St.Petersburg, Dep. of Philology,
- 1988
- Dep. of Mathematical linguistics, 1993, 1994),
- "Biological conditions of social life" (Univ. of St.Petersburg, Dep. of Social Philosophy, 1993), numerous courses of theoretical biology at the universities and
scientific centers of the former USSR (Moscow, Riga, Irkutsk, Petrozavodsk, Kaliningrad and elsewhere)
- Soros Foundation grant for Humanitarians and "Biodiversity", 1992 - 1993.
1. Theory of classifications and methods of classifying
In: Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya. Ser.2. Information
processes and systems. 1977, No.10. P.1-10 (Eng. abstract p.31).
2. Internal and external systems in the theory of classification
In: Sistemnye issledovaniya. Metodologicheskiye problemy. Yearbook
1979. Moscow, 1980. P.140-146.
3. Systematics and nomenclature of fossil algae
In: Sistematika, evoliutsiya, ekologiya vodorosley i ikh
znacheniye v praktike geologicheskikh issledovaniy. Abstr. 2nd
All-Union conf. paleoalgology (Kiev, 17-19 Nov. 1981). Kiev, 1981.
4. Economical classifications approached as integral systems
In: Ekonomika i sovershenstvovaniye upravleniya na baze sistemnogo
podkhoda. Abstr. conf. Volgograd, 1983. P.98-101.
5. Methods of ordering: theorizing unified
In: Teoriya i metodologiya biologicheskikh klassifikatsiy. Moscow,
1983. P.18-28.
6. Existence of modi of taxon elements and taxon volume assessment in
geological classifications
In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. All-Union conf. 17-19 May
1983. Moscow, 1983. P.133-134.
7. Types of assemblages in geological classifications
In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. of the All-Union conference
17-19 May 1983. Moscow, 1983. P.135-136.
8. Ideas on form in natural science and principles of general
In: Orgaanilise vormi teoria. Abstr. 10th conf. theor. biology 7-9 May
1984. P.25-40.
9. Basic notions of crystal morphology in the system of
crystallographic and morphological knowledge
In: Physics of crystallization. Iss.8. Kalinin, 1985. P.113-123.
Co-author: G.V.Russo.
10. Form, steresis and enlogy of crystals
In: Teoriya i metodologiya mineralogii. Abstr. All-Union conf. Vol.1
Syktyvkar, 1985. P.91-92.
Co-author: G.V.Russo.
11. Integral approach in biostratigraphy
In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. 9-11 Sept.
1986. Pt.1. Moscow, 1986. P.84-86.
12. Classification of classification bases of geological
In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. 9-11 Sept.
1986. Pt.1. Moscow, 1986. P.154-156.
13. Heterogeneous systems interaction in geological systematization
In: Sistemny podkhod v geologii. Abstr. 2nd All-Union conf. 9-11 Sept.
1986. Pt.1. Moscow, 1986. P.201-202.
14. Nomenclature and terminology in descriptive natural sciences
In: Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya terminologiya i perevod. Abstr.
Cheliabinsk, 1986. P.50.
15. Impurities in very pure substances: Aspects of general
In: Fizika kristallizatsii. Iss.10. Kalinin, 1987. P.92-97.
Co-author: G.V.Russo.
16. On teacher's personality
In: Vestnik vysshey shkoly. 1987, No.9. P.87-89.
17. Text as an object and subject of stylometrics
In: Kvantitativnye aspekty sistemnoy organizatsii teksta. Abstr.
workshop. 28/10-01/11/1986. Tbilisi: Tbilisi Univ.Press, 1987.
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
18. Urgent problems of Precambrian paleoalgology
In: Aktualnye problemy sovremennoy algologii. Abstr. All-Union
conf. 23-25 Sept. 1987 Cherkassy. Kiev: Naukova dumka, 1987.
19. Language of taxon description
Ph.D.thesis (philology: struct., appl. and math. linguistics).
Leningrad, 1987 (manuscript). Vol.1, 232p.; vol.2, 510p.
20. Contribution to the typology of descriptive texts
In: Prikladnaya lingvistika i avtomaticheskiy analiz teksta.
Abstr. conf. 28/01-30/01/1988 Tartu Univ. Tartu, 1988. P.95-96.
21. Form, steresis and enlogy of crystals
In: Teoriya mineralogii. Leningrad: Nauka, 1988. P.47-51.
Co-author: G.V.Russo.
22. Theoretical biology in biocentrism
In: Lectures in theoretical biology. Tallinn: Valgus, 1988. P.159-167.
(in English).
23. Classification aspects in stylometrics
In: Kvantitativnaya lingvistika i avtomaticheskiy analiz tekstov.
Tartu, 1988. P.119-136.
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
24. Subject of rhetorics and syntactic organization of texts in
limited sublanguages
In: Ritorika i sintaksicheskaiye struktury. Abstr.conf.1-3 Febr.1989.
Krasnoyarsk, 1988. P.316-320.
25. Contents and translation of texts in limited sublanguages
In: Sovremennye metody obrabotki inoyazychnoy informatsii v svete
trebovaniy kompleksnoy programmy nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa
stran-chlenov SEV do 2000 goda. Abstr. Cheliabinsk, 1988. P.92-93.
26. Linguistic tasks of the LINDA computer system
In: Tretya vses. konf. po sozdaniyu mash. fonda rus. yaz. Abstr. Pt.1.
Moscow, 1989. P.146-148.
Co-authors: O.N.Grinbaum, G.Ya.Martynenko.
27. Pragmatic organization of objectivist texts
In: Semantika i pragmatika yazykovykh yedinits. Abstr. conf. Tiumen,
1989. P.25-26.
28. Refrain concept
In: Paleofloristika i stratigrafiya fanerozoya. Moscow, 1989.
29. Transcultural translation in special communication
In: Etnopsikhol. aspekty rechevogo obscheniya. Abstr.workshop. Pt.1.
Moscow, Samarkand, 1990. P.70-71.
Co-author: G.Ya Martynenko.
30. Principal types of concepts of the nature of language
In: Tartu ulikooli toimetised. Vihik 911. Tartu, 1990. P.112-136.
(Eng.abstr. p.133).
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
31. Hermeneutic ideas in applied linguistics
In: Tartu ulikooli toimetised. Vihik 912. Tartu, 1990. P.92-111.
(Eng.abstr. p.111).
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
32. Biological ideas of Velemir Khlebnikov
In: Khlebnikovskiye chteniya. Conf.27-29 Nov.1990. St.Petersburg,
1991. P.91-100.
Co-author: V.A.Dymshits.
33. A method of producing crystals of water soluble compounds.
Cert.authorship T 16700000 of 12/10/1991.
Co-authors: G.V.Russo, O.M.Boldyreva, A.V.Nardov.
34. Application of artificial gems: general morphology approach
In: Teoriya mineralogii. Abstr.2nd All-Union conf. Vol.2.
Syktyvkar, 1991. P.140-141.
Co-author: G.V.Russo.
35. New concept of growing defectless crystals
In: Teoriya mineralogii. Abstr.2nd All-Union conf. Vol.2.
Syktyvkar, 1991. P.142-143.
Co-author: G.V.Russo.
36. The ordinary miracle of life in a perishable organism.
In: Baer and Modern Biology. Abstr.Int.conf. 28/2-2/3/1992 Tartu.
Tartu, 1992. P.39-40. (in English).
37. Biological conditions of social life
Programmy dlia studentov filosofskogo fakulteta. Obschiy kurs i
spets. kursy. St.Petersburg, 1992. P.69-74.
38. Pre-project study of age characteristics of 6-to-17-years-old
pupils for optimization of teaching in general secondary schools.
Report of activity for the Moscow Inst. Educ. Systems.
Co-authors: A.P.Sopikov, M.K.Kovaleva.
39. Producing potassium biphtholate crystals from purposely
impured solutions
In: Fizika kristallizatsii. Iss.15. Tver, 1992. P.24-30.
Co-authors: G.V.Russo, O.M.Boldyreva.
40. Where the Leningrad Subway is leading to?
In: Gumanitarny fond. 1993, No.10.
41. Biology and humanitarian culture: the problem of
interpretation in biohermeneutics and hermeneutics of biology
In: Lectures in theoretical biology, 2nd stage. Tallinn, 1993.
P.219-248 (in English)
42. Status of a social being
In: Sotsialnoye bytiye. Chelovecheskoye bytiye. Conf.
St.Petersburg, 1993. P.10-13.
43. The ordinary miracle of life in a perishable organism
In: Folia Baeriana 6. Tartu, 1993. P.116-120 (in English).
44. Man as participant to natural creation. Enlogue and ideas
of hermeneutics in biology
In: Biology Forum. 1994, 87(1). P.39-48 (in English).
44a. L'uomo partecipe della creazione naturale (L'"enlogo" e la
concezione ermeneutica in biologia)
In: Riv.Biologia. 1994, 87(1). P.49-55 (Italian version,
45. On existing roots of different sectors of heteronomous
In: Sotsialnaya filosofiya i filosofiya istorii. Conf. 25-26
Oct.1994. St.Petersburg. St.Petersburg, 1994. Pt.1. P.101-104.
46. Were is the boundary between public and private life?
In: Znanie - sila. 1994, No.10. P.31.
47. Why the City of St.Petersburg cannot not be a centre?
In: Severnaya Palmira. 1994 No.6. P.55-58.
48. Empire as a mode of state life.
In: Chas pik, 1995, No. 45(413) 11 March.
49. Non-philosophical philosophizing
In: Paradigmi filosofstvovaniya. Abstr. 2nd Intern. Conf.
10-15/8/1995. St.Petersburg, 1995 P.68-78 (Eng.Abstr.P.68).
50. What is ecologism and how we can struggle against it?
In: Ekochronica, 1995, N. 3(21) P.22-23.
50a.."Ecologism" as a cultural and political niche
In: Ecochronicle, N. 3(21), 1995, p.1X (English version, amended)
51. Morphological bases of semiotic means typology
In: Ponimanie i refleksia. Proc. III and IV Hermeneutic conf.,
Tver, 1995. P.24-33.
52. Cultural status of the sausage
In: Znanie - sila. 1995, N.8. P.23-24.
53. Death as perverted life
In: Proc. Conf. "A theme of a death in spiritual experience of
mankind". Figuri Tanatosa, 5th Special issue.
St.Petersburg, 1995. P. 78-83.
54. Contribution to modelling mineral formation processes:
A causal analysis of irreproducibility of results of
crystallogenetic experiments
In: Vestn.SPbGU. 1995, ser.7 ("Geologiya") Iss.1 (N.7) P. 89-93.
Co-author: G.V.Russo
55. Bases of a state structure of Russia
In: Zydroji Baltija, 1995, 25 December, P.1-3.
56. Speculative biology of man
In: Zydroji Baltija, 1996, 25 January, P.1-2.
57. Round table "Teaching of man biology in secondary and
high school"
In: Zydroji Baltija, 1996, 25 January, P.2-3.
58. Preliminary remarks
In: "Speculative biology of man". The thesis of the reports of
school on theoretical biology. Molodjoznoje, 1.2.1993 - 5.2.1993
Vilnius, "VLANI", 1996, P. 4.
59. Speculative biology of man
In: There, P. 4-5 (same 56).
60. Round table "Teaching of man biology in secondary and
high school"
In: there, P.14-15 (same 57).
61. Enlogue as Quasipersonal Interaction: Biohermeneutic
In: European Journal for Semiotic Studies. Vol.7(3-4) 1995,
(in English)
62. Paradigmatic disturbance in post-Soviet philosophizing
In: "Raduga" (Tallinn), 1996 N.1 P. 98-108.
63. Is St. Petersburg transforming into Odessa?
In: Chas pik, 1996, No. 44(549) 6 March. P.10.
64. Irreproducibility of experimental results at modeling of
processes of mineral formation
In: Thesis of a meeting "Zakoni evolutsii Zemnoi kori",
vol. II. St.Petersburg, 1996. P. 290.
Co-author G.V. Russo.
65. Creation of a course of Russian language on the basis of
multimedia technology
Report on the agreement for j/s "Multimediatechnologia".
66. Positivism as adolescend maieutics -
In: Skromnoe obayanie pozitivizma (Pozitivizm i ego al'ternativi
v sovremennoy filosofii). Materials of a conference 15-16
December 1995. St.Petersburg, 1996 P.8-10
67. Biological conditions of social life
Programmy dlia studentov filosofskogo fakulteta. Obschiy kurs i spets.
kursy. St.Petersburg, 1995. P.69-74 (new. chang. edit.).P.109-114.
68. Stylometrics
Prikladnoe jasikoznanie. Text-book. St.Petersburg, 1996. P. 420 - 435
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
69. Logical basis of linguistic typology.
In: Chebanov S.V. Logicheskie osnovaniya lingvisticheskoy
tipologii. Prilozhenie teorii klassifikatsii v lingvistiki.
Vilnius, VLANI, 1996 P.4-66.
70. Basis of linguistic typology. The program of a course.
In: There, P. 67-69.
71. Instruction on the description of "classifications"
In: There, P. 70-79.
72. Fan matrix as a model of presentation of data
In: There, P.80
Co-author: S.G.Kordonskii.
73. Functional-spatial structure of St. Petersburg
In: Zydroji Baltija, 1996, 25 December, P.1-4.
74. Decadence =?/\?V?C? "Silver century ": a cycle of Russian
philosophizing of XX. century
In: Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya "Struktura filosfskogo znaniya
i ego evolyutsiya v techenii XX veka v Rossii". Tezisi
sektsionnih vistupleniy. St.Petersburg, 1996, P. 81-82.
75. Relativity and absolutity of crime
In: Filosofiya prestupleniya. Proc. of a conference
"Prestupnost': sotsial'no-filosofskie i filosofsko-
antropologicheskie problemi" St.Petersburg, 1996, P. 38-39.
76. Hermeneutic ideas in applied linguistics
In: Issledovaniya po lingvisticheskoy sinergetike.
Moscow, 1997. P. 173-194.
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
77. Forms of wholism in linguistic synergetics
In: There. P. 195-214.
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
78. Reading people from costume features
In: Tr. konf. po germenevtike. Tver (in press).
79. Ontological principles of education urgent for Russian
In: Mat-ly sem. filos. obraz-ya. St.Petersburg (in press).
80. Contribution to the typology of regularities: Greek vs
Jewish understanding of the law
In: Iudei i ellini. St.Petersburg (in press).
81. Hermeneutic aspects of the enlogue as quasipersonal
In: Prikladnaya i strukturnaya lingvistika. Iss. 4.
St.Petersburg (in press).
82. Semantical aspects of texts formulating inventions
In: Prikladnaya i strukturnaya lingvistika. Iss. 4.
St.Petersburg (in press).
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
83. Cathegorical contexts of the ideas on love
In: Proc. Conf. "Ljubov nebesnaia, ljubov zemnaia" (in press).
84. Bio-hermeneutics and hermeneutics of biology
In: Teoreetilise bioloogia kevadkool. Tartu (in English, in
85. Semiotics of descriptive texts (typological aspect)
St.Petersburg (in press).
Co-author: G.Ya.Martynenko.
86. Biological basis of social existence
In: Chapter in textbook of social philosophy. St.Petersburg
(in press).
87. Geographical types of space organization of settlement
In: Person and city. Spaces. Forms. Sense. Proc. of International
congress of association semiologists of the space.
St.Petersburg - Ekaterinburg - Phessaloniki - Geneva (in press).
88. The Role of Hermeneutics in Biology
Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy. Springer-Verlag
(in English, in press).
89. Combined influence of a wide spectrum of microimpurity on
formation of macroscopic autodeformative defects in crystals
Kristallografiya (in press)
Co-authors: G.V.Russo, O.M.Boldyreva.