Below find some photographs (click to see the full-size picture!) of several species of pine sawflies:
Larvae of Diprion pini live in colonies. |
More larvae of Diprion pini. White spots on their bodies are eggs of tachinid parasitoids. |
Parasitoid fly Diplostichus janithrix is waiting for a good moment to put an egg on a larva of Diprion pini. |
Adult female of Diprion pini. |
Adult male of Diprion pini has large antenna which are used for locating females that emit pheromones. |
Larvae of Neodiprion sertifer are also gregarious. |
Pine sawflies lay eggs inside pine needles. These are eggs of Neodiprion lecontei. |
Sawflies larvae (eonymphs) spin cocoons either in the litter or attached to needles. These are cocoons of Neodiprion lecontei. |
Larvae of Neodiprion lecontei. |