- Mind, Agency, and Biosemiotics. Sharov, A.A. 2018.
- Composite agency: semiotics of modularity and guiding interactions. Sharov, A.A. 2017.
- Evolutionary biosemiotics and multilevel construction networks. Sharov, A.A. 2016.
- Evolution of natural agents: Preservation, advance, and emergence of functional information. Sharov, A.A. 2016.
- Comprehending the semiosis of evolution. Sharov, A.A., Maran, T., and Toennessen, M. 2016.
- Coenzyme world model of the origin of life. Sharov, A.A. 2016.
- Organisms reshape sign relations. Sharov, A., Maran, T., and Toennessen, M. 2015.
- Towards synthesis of biology and semiotics. Sharov, A., Maran, T., and Toennessen, M. 2015.
- Protosemiosis: agency with reduced representation capacity. Sharov, A. A., Vehkavaara, T. 2015.
- Evolutionary constraints or opportunities?. Sharov, A.A. 2014.
- Inferring directions of evolution from patterns of variation: The legacy of Sergei Meyen. Sharov, A.A. and Igamberdiev, A.U. 2014.
- Minimal mind. Sharov, A.A. 2013.
- Life before Earth. Sharov, A.A., Gordon, R. 2013.
- The origin of mind. Sharov, A.A. 2012.
- Biosemiotics and relativistic epistemology (in Russian) 2011
- Functional information: Towards synthesis of biosemiotics and cybernetics 2010
- Time in living systems 2010
- Role of utility and inference in the evolution of functional information 2009
Coenzyme autocatalytic network on the surface of oil microspheres as a model for the origin of life 2009
- Genome increase as a clock for the origin and evolution of life 2006
- Semiosis in Self-Producing Systems 1999
- The origin and evolution of signs 1999
- Pragmatism and Umwelt-theory 1999
- Metasystem transitions in biology 1998
- Iulius Shreider on systems theory 1998
- Signs and values 1997
- Towards the semiotic paradigm in biology 1997
- Theory of Self-Reproducing Systems. 1992
- Biosemiotics: A functional-evolutionary approach to the analysis of the sense of information. 1991
- Concept of time in biology 1988
Papers of other authors
- Emmeche, Claus and Jesper Hoffmeyer From Language to Nature - the semiotic metaphor in biology.
- Jesper Hoffmeyer and Claus Emmeche Code-duality and the semiotics of nature.
- Jesper Hoffmeyer Biosemiotics: Towards a New Synthesis in Biology.
- Howard Pattee Evolving self-reference: matter, symbols, and semantic closure.
- Ogryzko, Vasily3 abstracts: (1) Evolution of Symbol Conventionality, (2) Digital and nondigital information in genetic langauge, and (3) Physics and biosemiotics
- Kull, K. On the history of joining bio with semio: F. S. Rothschild and the biosemiotic rules
Kull, K. Biosemiotics in the twentieth century: a view from biology.
- Menant, Christophe From Biosemiotics to Semiotics.
- Menant, Christophe The systemic theory of meaning.
See also Kull's list of references in biosemiotics
Alexei Sharov